GHC moved our teams from the Rocky Mountain Female Hockey League (RMFHL) to Hockey Calgary with a vision to bring the female game back to Calgary. We left RMFHL’s all-female league to increase our visibility, increase our access to ice, improve travel time and scheduling consistency, and most importantly, to build a foundation for female hockey here at home. There was no established female stream in Hockey Calgary at that time. As a steppingstone, GHC teams competed in newly-created female divisions in Hockey Calgary’s Community Stream and in co-ed divisions against coed/male teams. Our competition structure evolved year to year based on registration numbers, GHC team performance, and the pathways of GHC players. As we grew from around 500 players to more than 1100, Hockey Calgary and GHC have proudly expanded our female divisions year after year. You have all had a part in this journey. By supporting your daughter in a female-focused association, you have helped develop the appropriate supports that accommodate her needs, personality, and goals. Thank you GIRLSHOCKEYCALGARY.COM for being your daughter’s cheerleader and advocate. It is only through passion and dedication that positive changes are made. We have now reached the point where what we set out to build — a firstrate home for female hockey in Calgary — is available before us. A successful Female Competition Model is the next step in our duty to our athletes and the greater female hockey community. GHC has been a leader among female hockey associations and advocates in Alberta and Western Canada, and paving this new path for others to pursue is the right move. The future is bright for female hockey players in Calgary. This particular progression of our program (and our mindset) will be a challenge for us all, but one that we believe will ultimately empower our players to get the best possible experience in their sport and beyond
More information is available here.