Freqently Asked Questions by Glenlake Members


Can my child play for Glenlake?

Glenlake has hockey programs for children from ages 5 to 17.

In order to be eligible to play for Glenlake, your child must live in one of our member communities. These communities are: Altadore, Bankview, Bel-Aire, Beltline, Brittania, Lincoln Park, Cliff Bungalow, Elbow Park, Elboya, Erlton, Garrison Green, Garrison Wood, Glamorgan, Glenbrook, Glendale, Glendale Meadows, Kingsland, Lakeview, Lincoln Park, Mayfair, Meadowlark Park, Mission, North Glenmore, Parkhill/Stanley Park, Rideau Park, South Calgary, Lower Mount Royal, Upper Mount Royal, Killarney/Glengarry, Richmond, Roxboro, Rutland Park, Scarboro, Scarboro/Sunalta, Shaganappi, Spruce Cliff, Sunalta, and Windsor Park.

If your child does not live in one of these communities, your child may be able to play for Glenlake only if certain conditions are met. Please contact our registrar at admin@glenlakehockey.com. In most cases, however, if your child does not live in one of the above communities, please use this interactive map produced by Hockey Calgary to determine your local hockey association.

How much does it cost?

Fees for all programs (including $15 community association fee) for the 2023-2024 are as follows:

Birth Year
Program June 15 to July 31 Aug 1 to Aug 15 After Aug 15 (if space permits)
2017-2018 U7 (Timbits) $840 $840 $940
2015-2016 U9 $1,195 $1,445 $1,445
2013-2014 U11 $1,285 $1,535 $1,535
2011-2012 U13 $1,390 $1,645 $1,645
2009-2010 U15 $1,500 $1,750 $1,750
2006-2008 U18 $1,500 $1,750 $1,750

HOUSE LEAGUE: Fees for the U9 and U11 West Calgary House League for the 2023/2024 season were $875 per player (including a $15 community association fee). A late fee of $100 will be charged for any house league registration as of August 15th.

There is a $100 discount for families registering three or more players.

What happens if we register and then change our minds about playing?

From time to time players will withdraw from Glenlake Minor Hockey Club (GL) for a number of reasons. GL recognizes this will happen and have taken the time to formalize this policy.

The Age Group Coordinator and the GL Administrator must be notified in writing or via email, by parent/guardian, of the request to withdraw the registration. Once this occurs the individual(s) withdrawing are not permitted to participate in any GL ice times.

  • Prior to evaluations: Full refund less a $100 administration fee
  • Prior to Team Assignment: Full refund less a $250 administration fee
  • After Team Assignment (prior to January 1): GL reserves the right to review and issue refunds due to medical reasons only. Refunds will be prorated based on a seven month season (September – March) less a $100 administration fee.
  • After January 1 – No refunds provided

Late fees are non-refundable.

I'm new to Glenlake, how does it work?

NEW PLAYERS TO GLENLAKE (including transfers from other associations)

New Families to Glenlake must provide the following:

  1. New families MUST complete the online Respect In Sport Parent Program prior to registering. Details will be provided before registration begins for 2019-2020.
  2. Completed Parent Declaration
  3. Acceptable Proof of Age
    • Birth Certificate; or
    • Passport
  4. Acceptable Proof of Residence (POR) – Must provide 2 of the following:
    • Utility bill in your name (Cell Phone bills are not acceptable). Bill must include service address as well as mailing address;
    • Proof of Community school enrolment, with your resident address included in the letter from the school;
    • Current GST Statement or Income Tax Assessment​
    • ​If moving prior to the start of the season, a signed purchase/rental agreement with possession date
    • ​If moving to a home under construction – a signed builder agreement with possession date

***Please note that a Property Tax bill will not be accepted as Proof of Residence***

***Please note that a Drivers License will not be accepted as Proof of Residence***

Additional proof of residency may be required if deemed necessary by Hockey Calgary and/or Glenlake Administrator.
These documents must be EMAILED to the Glenlake Administrator at admin@glenlekahockey.com prior to registering for the 2023-2024 season.  
How does Novice hockey work?

Hockey Canada has mandated that all U9 hockey will be played in a half-ice format.

1. The U9 group will operate with a 4-Tier structure and will continue regionally with North and South divisions.

2. All U9 players (2015 & 2016) will play in a ½ ice hockey environment.

3. Topline structure of the game format is as follows:

• Only 2 teams will be scheduled per each game slot

• Teams will play split squad, ½ at each end

• Games will be played 4 on 4 (plus goalies)

• Line changes will be on the buzzer (90 sec)

• No off-sides, no icings

• 1 official at each end

• Blue Puck

• Small Nets (3’x4’), if available

• Hard Boards, if available

• No statistics or scores will be posted

Additional guidelines are laid out in the Hockey Alberta Resource Guide posted here.

What is "House League"?


This is a very exciting season coming up!  The West Calgary House League has been running as three separate associations since inception. The upcoming season marks a change to the operations and administration of the WCHL whereby it will now be amalgamated with the three associations.  Players will continue to register with their Hockey Calgary designated association according to residency within association boundaries, however, teams will now be formed with players and coaches from all three associations.  This change will allow more teams in the WCHL with better balanced and competitive teams across the league.  Communication will be more WCHL specific although families will remain receiving their individual association’s general communications.

As part of this amalgamation, we are working closely with Hockey Calgary to secure ice at a location central to all three associations for all WCHL practices and games.  This has not been confirmed but it is a goal we are aiming for to assist with reducing travel time for families during the season.

More information about this option can be found on the Glenlake website at http://glenlakehockey.com/page.php?page_id=98794.

What if my child wants to try out for the Calgary Royals?

If you are a U13, U15 or U18 aged player who intends to try out for the Calgary Royals/GHC, you must register with BOTH Glenlake and the Calgary Royals or GHC.

Glenlake U13 players will be charged the Glenlake registration fee upon the completion of the Glenlake registration process.  Those U13 aged players who make a Calgary Royals/GHC team will have their fees refunded immediately upon team selection to allow for funds to be returned to families prior to when team fees are due.

U15 and U18 players trying out for the Calgary Royals/GHC must register with Glenlake, when registering using the Glenlake website, simply choose the elite tryout option within the U15 and U18 age group categories. There will be no registration fee required until we have confirmation that your player has been released by the Royals/GHC and is returning to play with Glenlake.  At that time, the FULL (payment plan is not an option) registration fee must be paid prior to the player’s first evaluation skate with Glenlake.

Should your U13/U15/U18 player be returned to Glenlake for the 2023-2024 season, and they have not been registered with Glenlake, they will not be guaranteed a space and should a space be available a late registration fee of $250 will be applied.

If you are unsure about how to register as an elite player, please contact the Glenlake Administrator at admin@glenlakehockey.com or the Calgary Royals Administrator at admin@calgaryroyalsaa.com or GHC Administrator at admin@girlshockeycalgary.com.

New this season – Female players wishing to tryout for a Girls Hockey Calgary (GHC) Fire team who are not successful will be granted the ability to register with GHC or their home association with no penalty.  Registration is required with Glenlake to ensure a space is available if your player wishes to return.

What are the games and practices?

Glenlake is fortunate to be part owner of the Flames Community Arenas just off Crowchild Trail. Find out more about our home arena here.

As such, most of our practices are held at FCA and almost all our home games are held there. The Glenlake board is attempting to secure additional ice to accommodate all our players.

You will often hear references to FCA Blue, FCA Gold, and FCA Red. These are the three existing arenas at Flames Community Arenas. The Blue arena is on the south side of the building, the Gold is the arena on the north side, and the Red Arena is located at the east end of the building.

Games are scheduled by Hockey Calgary and road games can take place anywhere in Calgary (except in U7, U9, and U11 where road games take place only in the south). Most arenas in Calgary are within easy driving distance of FCA.

A listing of arenas in the Calgary area can be found by clicking here.

Will my child be put on a team with other children of similar ability?

Yes. The first few weeks of the season is taken up with evaluations. The purpose of the evaluations is not to judge the players but, rather, to put them on teams with children of similar abilities. In addition, there is a process where all the local hockey associations work together with Hockey Calgary to ensure that teams play against teams of similar abilities.

Is hitting involved?

Body checking is allowed for players in the Bantam and Midget divisions 1, 2 & 3 only.

What are my responsibilities as a parent?

Your main responsibility is to be supportive of your children and to always treat your child, your child’s teammates, other players, officials, volunteers and other parents with respect and dignity. After all, this is a game and we’re all supposed to be having fun. For more information on the responsibilities of hockey parents, please see Hockey Canada’s Fair Play Code. Please also keep in mind that hockey is a team game and one of the values that we are trying to instill in our players is commitment. As such, it is only fair to the other players on your team and to the coaches for your child to attend as many practices and games as possible.

Hockey Calgary requires that all players have at least one parent/guardian complete the “Respect In Sport” program prior to their child playing minor hockey. Families are required to re-cetiry the Respect in Sport Parent Program every 4 years. To take the course, retrieve your completed certificate number, or to get more information on the program click on the link: Respect In Sport

Glenlake has a zero tolerance policy for abuse of players, officials, volunteers and other parents. Suspensions and/or bans from arenas are possible penalties for abuse.

Glenlake requires all parents in the Hockey Calgary stream to volunteer or pay an “in-lieu” fee. For more information on volunteering please visit the Volunteers page or contact us at volunteers@glenlakehockey.com.

You can take an active role in your child’s team by coaching or volunteering as team manager. There are also chances throughout the year to volunteer to help out in other less formal ways.

If you choose not to help out on the ice or in the dressing room there are other ways to help out. Glenlake requires all parents to volunteer in some way, even if it’s only doing a bingo to help out. Glenlake is entirely run by volunteers and we value your time. You should also be aware that the money Glenlake makes from bingos directly reduces the registration costs you pay.

How many hours per week are involved?

Players are generally on the ice 2.5 to 5 hours per week for games and practices. There are no set ice times at Glenlake. There will be times when your child will have early morning practices but these are shared between all teams and all divisions.

There’s no formal expectation that you will be at every ice time, but it’s good to communicate with your coaches if your child will be away for any period of time. Hockey is, after all, a team game and part of what we try to communicate to the players is that concepts such as responsibility, accountability and being part of a team are important not only at the rink but in life as well.

What equipment is required?

The following equipment is mandatory:

· Helmet (CSA approved)
· Face mask (CSA approved)
· Throat Protector (BNQ approved)
· Mouth guard (optional for Timbits only)
· Shoulder pads
· Elbow pads
· Gloves
· Pants
· Shin pads
· Skates
· Jock strap & cup/jill strap
· Garters/sock tape
· Socks (Glenlake will provide one set)
· Practice jersey

Child size hockey stick, cut to correct length (about nose height in stocking feet). Player’s own water bottle – clearly marked and not to be shared, and a hockey bag to hold everything.

Optional equipment includes:
· Under equipment shirt and leggings (Under Armour)
· Skate guards

Glenlake provides home and away uniforms (only to be worn during games).

An excellent source for information on how to properly fit equipment can be found here: Equipment Fitting Guide

I'd like to coach. What do I need to do?

Fill out our coaching application. A link to the coaching application can be found on this page. Glenlake is a volunteer organization and can only function if you get involved, so thank you for your involvement!

What happens after we register?

The evaluation schedule will be posted on the Glenlake Evaluations page. You can also contact your child’s age-group coordinator if you require more information. The respective names and contact info can be accessed the Board list on Glenlake’s website.



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