Find out what the difference is between our house league and community stream as well as what to prepare before registering.
Find out if you reside in one of the surrounding communities that the Glenlake Minor Hockey Club serves.
Learn about registration fees, refunds, and info for families new to or transferring to a Glenlake community.
Get more information on how goalies are evaluated and what to expect during the process.
The Glenlake Minor Hockey Club (Glenlake) will be using TeamSnap again this season as our registration platform. Families are required to use the registration link provided on our website and will not be able to register through your own TeamSnap account. There are several pieces of required information which are important to the registration process please ensure that you review the following.
The email address that you list as the players email will be used as our main point of contact email for your family. All communication will be sent to this email address. Please do not use an address that is not monitored daily. If you have used TeamSnap in past seasons, use the same email address to register. Refer to this TeamSnap tipsheet for an explanation.
You will not be able to register without your players Hockey Canada ID#. Click on this link for a “how to” on locating your Hockey Canada ID#: Locating your Hockey Canada ID.
Your Hockey Canada division (aka age group) is also required. Please select the correct division you are registering your participant for as determined by the year of participant’s birth. Birth years for each division are as follows.
U7 (Timbits) | 2017-2018 |
U9 | 2015-2016 |
U11 | 2013-2014 |
U13 | 2011-2012 |
U15 | 2009-2010 |
U18 | 2006-2008 |
Glenlake Hockey provides Minor Hockey programs for the families residing in the communities of Altadore, Bankview, Bel-Aire, Beltline, Brittania, CFB-Lincoln Park, Cliff Bungalow, Elbow Park, Elboya, Erlton (west of MacLeod Trail), Garrison Greens, Glamorgan, Glenbrook, Glendale, Glendale Meadows, Killarney/Glengarry, Lakeview, Lincoln Park, Mayfair, Meadowlark Park, Mission, Mount Royal Lower/Upper, North Glenmore Park, Parkhill/Stanley Park, Richmond, Rideau Park, Roxboro, Rutland Park, Scarboro, Scarboro/Sunalta West, Shaganappi, South Calgary, Spruce Cliff, Sunalta, and Windsor.
This year all players in U9, U11 and U13 will participate in a timed-drills skills session for their first evaluation session.
The purpose of the timed-drills is that a player’s performance on the timed-drills will determine those players’ “starting grid” position for Evaluations session #2. For all groups not using timed-drills, (U15 and U18) Evaluations starting grid positions for players will be determined by where they played the previous season, as has previously been the practice. For the timed-skills sessions players will be placed in groups of approximately 25 players, however to ensure approximately equal-sized groups for the timed-drills sessions, players may or may not be with players from the team they played with the previous season.
All timed-drills skills sessions will be run by a third party supplier, Fuel Performance Testing. Player performance in the drills will be measured by an electronic timing system using timing gates and all results will be recorded and reported electronically. Glenlake volunteers will assist to ensure the correct players are on the ice for the session, and that those players are equipped with electronic timing device wristbands, but will not be involved in the performance timing or results recording for any player. The electronic timing system being used is the same system used by various Calgary and area hockey associations, by the WHL for its skills testing combines and by various NHL teams to test their prospects. To better understand how the system and equipment will be set up and operates, please see the video found at the following link.
The drills used are quite basic in design. The skills timed during these sessions will include age category appropriate drills for forward skating, backward skating, agility and basic puck handling, and, for U11 and U13 players transition skating. Each player will be given two opportunities to complete each drill with their best time for each drill being recorded. At Glenlake’s discretion, where deemed necessary in the interests of fairness, extra opportunities may be provided for a player to complete a drill.
As mentioned above, the results from the skills testing (for all players) will be used to place the players in the appropriate initial group level for the remaining portion of the Evaluations process, starting with Evaluations Session #2. Starting grid positions will be determined by the “average rank” of players for all drills used. In the event of a “ranking” tie between players, the best aggregate (total) recorded time for the drills will be used to break the tie. No scoring from the skills sessions will carry over to the remainder of the Evaluations process.
Subsequent Evaluations sessions will follow the same format as in previous years, with player evaluation, ranking and movement in adherence to the Glenlake Evaluation Process.