Volunteer Commitments


Volunteer commitments are compulsory at Glenlake Minor Hockey Club. When volunteer requirements have been satisfied, the post-dated cheques provided at the beginning of evaluations are destroyed. The number of volunteer commitment credits is determined by the category in which each player plays.

U7 TIMBITS1One post-dated cheque (Feb. 15, 2023) for $250
U92Two post-dated cheques (Feb. 15, 2023), each for $250
U112Two post-dated cheques (Feb. 15, 2023), each for $250
U132Two post-dated cheques (Feb. 15, 2023), each for $250
U152Two post-dated cheques (Feb. 15, 2023), each for $250
U181One post-dated cheque (Feb. 15, 2023) for $250


Volunteer commitments per family will not exceed 2 players. For example, a family with a child in U9 and one in U7 will have to fulfill three commitments (one for U7 and two for U9) and must bring three (3) post-dated cheques.

Bingo Worker1Works at 1 Bingo session at an assigned position. See bingo dates at bottom of this document
Bingo Chairperson2Coordinates a bingo session, ensuring all positions are filled. Phones all volunteers for specific Bingo session 48 hours prior to bingo date, assumes Chairperson responsibilities at Bingo hall and delivers Bingo sign in sheet and financial paperwork to Treasurer.
Casino Worker2Works at 1 Casino at an assigned position.
Head Coach4Head coach at any level. Responsible for development of practice plans and attending any necessary coach meetings/sessions. Only 1 head coach per team.
Assistant Coaches3Assistant coaches work with the head coach on development of practice plans etc. Maximum of 4 assistant coaches per team.
Team Manager3Assist coaches in preparing game sheet, organising timekeepers, exhibition games, tournaments and other duties.
Team Safety Coordinator3Verify health check has been filled out by players and coaches at every ice time. (Accessible through team snap). Aware of safety preparedness such as address or directions to rinks in case of emergencies, locations of defibrillators, safety kits, knowing to keep bench doors closed during ice sessions, no entering the ice before the Zamboni door is closed, etc. Required to take the Hockey Canada Safety online course (cost reimbursed by GL). Track and report injuries to Glenlake safety director (Tara Holmes). We are hoping to identify any patterns in injuries and mitigate risk if possible, moving forward. Hockey Calgary only tracks injuries if games are missed. Injury Report form and Injury Tracking form. Hockey Canada Injury Reports must be submitted within 90 days of the date of injury in order for a claim for expenses to be made. The Hockey Canada Insurance program is the secondary insurer - this means that a claim must be submitted first to any other plan available through an employer or independent provider. Mandatory concussion course. Monitor and communicate allergies or health issues that players have and communicate them to managers and coaches. Monitor proper use of equipment so that all players are kept safe, including sanitization of shared goalie gear at the novice level. Equipment coordinators will be providing sanitizing spray that will need to be used between each player's turn in goal.
Evaluation Committee4Coordinates the overall evaluations for an age category in accordance with the Evaluation Guidelines as approved by the Board of Directors.
Evaluators 1 or 2Evaluates the players for a specific age category as directed by the Evaluation committee. 1 or 2 credits depending on the number of sessions required for the age category. U9, U11, U13 and U15 evaluators: 8 sessions = 1 credit, 14 = 2 credits. U18: 8 sessions = 1 credit
General Volunteers 1 or 2 Glenlake registration, Glenlake Parent Social, Glenlake picture day. Equipment pickup & return.
Jersey Managers1 per set of JerseysCollects and washes game jerseys for the season. TWO Jersey managers per team. ONE Manager per set of Jerseys.
Board Member4Prepare for and participate in board meetings, support governance decisions once made, participate in the development of a strategic plan to help guide future decisions.
Hockey Calgary League Chair4As described by Hockey Calgary.

NOTE: No volunteer credits will be given for timekeepers, scorekeepers, gatekeepers and trainers throughout the season. No volunteer credits will be given for team functions such as tournament organiser, team treasurers or social coordinator. Volunteer Credits cannot be carried over to future seasons.


We rely on volunteers to run our hockey program. These volunteers include Coaches, Team Managers, Evaluators, Board Members, Bingo/Casino workers and General Volunteers. The volunteer commitment is determined by the category in which each player plays. Refer to the Volunteer Commitment Policy for the number of commitments required and the volunteer commitment opportunities.

Volunteer Commitment cheques will be collected at your child’s first evaluation.

ALL U7 Timbits and U18 families must bring one post-dated cheque for $250 for each player commitment. This cheque must be dated February 15, 2023.

ALL U9, U11 , U13 and U15 families must bring two post-dated cheques, each for $250, both cheques should be dated for February 15, 2023 The cheques will be destroyed (or returned if requested) once the volunteer commitments have been completed or will be cashed should the commitment(s) not be fulfilled. Remember no volunteer cheques at the first evaluation/ice session will mean no evaluation/ice time for your kid(s)!

Families who have paid the optional volunteer commitment during the registration process they are not required to provide a post dated cheque(s).  Should families complete the required volunteer commitment, all monies will be refunded back to family.

Remember to bring your commitment cheques to the first evaluation session  – **No volunteer commitment cheques   = no ice time!**

Do you still have questions about volunteering? Send them to volunteers@glenlakehockey.com.



Glenlake has 30 bingos each season running from September to July. All Bingos take place at the Bingo Palace (2600 35th Ave NE). Each bingo chairperson shift is worth two credits and each bingo worker shift is one credit. All positions are on a first come, first served basis. Details regarding dates, times, and shifts available can all be found on the sign-up page.

External Signup.com Link

Glenlake has 30 bingos each season running from September to July. All Bingos take place at the Bingo Palace (2600 35th Ave NE). Each bingo chairperson shift is worth two credits and each bingo worker shift is one credit. All positions are on a first come, first served basis. Details regarding dates, times, and shifts available can all be found on the sign-up page.

Sign Up for Bingos

Please note that Glenlake maintains a list of people who may be hired to work your bingo shifts. Access this list below or send an email to emailbingo@glenlakehockey.com for more information. Please note in no way are these people associated with Glenlake. Individuals enter into an agreement at their own risk and it is up to the individual to ensure the alternates name is on the sign up list and volunteer credits are earned

Open bingo worker contact details.

Contact Details


There is no Casino information for the 2023-2024 season at this time.



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